Mike Pesca

Mike Pesca is the host of the Slate daily podcast “The Gist.” He also contributes reports and commentary to NPR, where he spent ten years as the Sports Correspondent. He has also reported on economics, politics and the arts during his tenure at National Public Radio. Pesca, whose writing has appeared in Slate and the Washington Post, is the winner of the Edward R. Murrow award for best radio feature and the 1993 Emory University Softball official of the year. Mike was the first NPR reporter to have his own podcast, a weekly look at gambling cleverly titled "On Gambling with Mike Pesca." In addition to working on the National Desk at NPR, he filled in as host of “The Bryant Park Project,” “Talk of the Nation,” “On the Media,” “The Brian Lehrer Show,” and “The Leonard Lopate Show.” He first reached the airwaves as a 10-year-old caller to a New York Jets-themed radio show.

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